Moving On – One Year Later

DISCLAIMER – This is a draft from OVER A YEAR AGO. Judge away, but I am going to post it regardless. Here you are :

Moving on from things can be a difficult task. Whether it’s job related, relationship oriented, or a geographical thing we’ve all been there. At times things can be a breeze and change can seem obvious or “right”. Other times, there is struggle and hardship. However, whatever you are going through and whatever “moving on” that you may be doing just remember this – there is always a silver lining.

I recently did a little moving of my own out to the mountains (cheers for finally getting wifi). Although it’s hard to complain with my surroundings and supportive family and friends there have been some complications. I feel like there are universal jokes about moving and how much hatred there is surrounding the act of packing all your belongings, and then unpacking them in a frantic state because WHERE THE HECK DID YOU PACK YOUR UNDERWEAR?! Ok that’s a little dramatic but we’ve all been there. If you’re wondering – yes, yes I did forget where I packed it.

Jokes aside, as much as I want to rip my hair out at times I’m thankful to be where I’m at. It’s a dream and it’s literally like living on a cloud up here. So really, my silver lining has a hint of blue.

I hope you find peace with all of your moving and shaking over the holiday season.


PS. These photos belong to and were taken by myself. They show a little look into my little bug and I en route to our new home. Hope you enjoy!

Past Travels: Egypt at Night


I was lucky enough to visit Egypt long ago and from the moment I left I was heartbroken. The culture, the sights, the obligatory monuments to visited, and the people I conversed with along the way were amazing. I realize that I was younger and a lot of the times was in unsafe areas or situations. However, I won’t lie when I say I made friends with a guard who carried around an AK47 on the bus when I traveled. A simple head nod and a smile and I knew everything was going to be fine. Whether that be naive or not that was my mindset many years ago.

One of the memories I constantly come back to is not seeing The Pyramids or The Sphinx, although they were wonderful and even more glorious than I expected, but I miss the night when we left port. I left the room, when down a hall, and found a spot to sit while I watched Egypt disappear into the night. The sounds of the mosques were echoing and it was perhaps one of the most peaceful moments of my life.

The lights were golden and the breeze was light. Even with all the chaos inside the city of Alexandria everything seemed so serene. I was sad to see this country off but hoped that someday I might see it again.

If not, I’m happy for the memories regardless.


The “Real” Day One

As anyone who travels probably knows there is a fine line between your travel days and the time you spend at your destination. A fine line meaning it’s not really that “fine” at all and travel days can completely throw off your mojo…and no not like Austin Powers.

In any case, I think it’s important to really take care of yourself while you take that first day (or days) to get to wherever you may be going. Long flights can take a toll on your hygiene, attitude, and overall gusto if you’re not careful. Having plenty of water is essential (and a pretty good life tip in general) but also washing your hands and face can help. Doing some kind of skincare is also a favorite among many, although face wipes alone usually do the trick for me.

Walking around, stretching, eating healthy snacks and not going overboard on the flight beverages can also help. What if you’re in a car you ask? Same rules apply. Junk food from gas stations and not getting some fresh air can put a damper on your trip and your guests’ moods as well. Doing things “down and dirty” can be fun if you don’t have the supplies with you and want to cool off in a river (I imagine this occurring over a road trip out west) but for those of you who are a bit more dainty there are ways to make it more “glam” – aka stopping at a nice hotel for one night, fine dining, shopping, etc.

What are your thoughts on the original “Day One”? How do you get through the travel? Personally I both adore and avoid it and lately Afrin is the only thing that helps the pain in my ears from flying.

We all love reaching our favorite/new locations so don’t forget to start off on the right foot!


Breakfast Worth Waking Up For



To perhaps lighten the news from my last posting I want to bring attention to one of my favorite breakfast places in Centennial Colorado. Known for their long lines Snooze can deter a lot of people. However, I will warn you that once you get a taste of Snooze, no wait time will matter ever again.

Ok maybe I am going a little overboard because I love it so much. Here’s the thing – as someone with weird food allergies I have NEVER gotten something lacking flavor. What could possibly make it better? The fact that the staff are incredibly kind, funny, and lively without being too bubbly for those that aren’t into mornings.

What lovely plate do I have pictured here? Well it’s called “OMG French Toast,” but I get it with gluten free pancakes because of a allergen in the french toast. It has caramel sauce, a vanilla cream sauce, coconut shavings and fresh (seriously FRESH) strawberries. I have gotten other dishes in the past such as; an egg plate, their hash browns, multiple coffee drinks, etc. Time after time I go back to these lovely flapjacks, and I’ve even turned on a few friends and family members to the altered plate. In sum, it’s a great food spot with good energy and killer portions (in a good way).

Dig in, you won’t be sorry.


A Stanley Substitute










There are those that are curious about the paranormal and those that simply stray away. Whether you’re on one side of the fence or the other there is probably one place that you have at least heard of – The Stanley Hotel. A place where many can take tours, simply look upon, or even stay the night for a pretty penny in the haunted chambers where Steven Spielberg once did. Whatever your fancy may be it should be noted that there are alternatives and hidden gems much like the Stanley within the reach of anyone who is ok with haunting stories and wants to spend the night. One I had the pleasure of looking into is called The Brook Forest Inn, and it did nothing but captivate me during the entire visit.

The Brook Forest Inn, all haunting stories aside for the moment, is a really nice inn that has fine dining, a pub, and of course lodging. It’s tucked away back in the mountains near the small town of Evergreen. Upon arriving you can even get a packet with historical dates and information on the establishment – should you want more information without asking too many questions. However, I was interested in the rumors of hauntings and lucky for me a young woman named Ali was just wrapping up a tour and gladly answered my questions while showing me around and telling me even more stories than I could have hoped for.

There are a total of 16 rooms that one could stay in here at the inn. All of them have names that hold some important to the place, mostly, which are Italian and French. Interestingly enough Ali told me that a president had stayed at The Brook Forest as well as “the lady from the titanic”. I chuckled as I walked the chandelier lit halls, I couldn’t believe how lucky I got at getting a “guide” that was so casual and open. Ali had lived across the street for 13 years before picking up a job at the inn. Before that, as a child she explained that she was always curious about the grounds and exploring them was something she regularly did. Her and I shared the same past of exploring intriguing places when we were young, but then again I guess nothing much has changed since then…

The dining area was very beautiful and the rooms upstairs were even more unique than I had imagined. Each one different from the next and decorated either according to the name (i.e. the Princess room being pink and flowery) or just based on what seemed to be a color scheme. Personally, I thought the Parisian was stunning with purple, but was even more drawn to it after hearing that an actual death had occurred in it. Apparently, there were four known deaths that had happened at Brook Forest. People claim to see Clark from the Livery, a little boy on the third floor, and an older woman in the attic who seemed to be the protector of it all.

I wanted to hear more about the area and couldn’t get enough. If you’re like me and you have an interest in this as well I will add that you need not fear these haunting rumors. Of all the information I was given nothing was mentioned as being threatening or scary for any of the staff or guests. However, there is word that Nazi members used to meet in the building and somewhere there is a Swastika underneath the carpet – but no one is jumping at the chance to rip that up anytime soon.

For those of you who are interested in grabbing a bite, staying the night, or even booking a wedding you can always visit their website I do hope that you all enjoy it because it really is an alternative to the more trafficked Stanley with allure and comfort to make it all worth it.

Who knows, you could be the next Spielberg here.


P.S. The fries at the bar are exceptional.

Brothel Turned Cofffee Shop






Down in Evergreen, Colorado there is one thing that locals and coffee snobs can agree upon – The Muddy Buck has a good cup of joe. However, there may be some information that individuals do not know about pertaining to this comfy coffee shop on the strip. From changes in ownership to being an older hotel slash brothel, The Muddy Buck has quite the history.

Personally, this is a place I like to go while in Evergreen whether I’m just passing through or staying for a few weeks. Their chai and gluten free options are some choices on the top of my list to get, but talk to any coffee lover and they’re sure to praise their signature in-house coffee. With multiple options from a kitchen that’s open until three pm and a multitude of latte flavor combinations, I have no doubt that this is a place that can please most. Sitting right next to the infamous Little Bear bar also helps drive a good amount of traffic.

I got the chance to catch the owner Diane today for a word about her experience with the place. She has owned it since 2012 but was not short on information and fun facts about the place. From 1859 to 1940 it was the Evergreen hotel. In the older times it was even rumored to be more like a brothel, given its location and residents who stayed in the hotel. Downstairs was more of a meet and greet area with a large fireplace. Over the years there have been unfortunate fires that have taken some of the building down but the front door, back areas, and thick beams are all still original. Today, everything else that you see is reclaimed from all over the state of Colorado.

Tonight they will hold the third annual “Evergreen’s Got Talent,” which is similar to an open mic for whoever signs up earlier for the event. They’ve been known to have live music on a regular basis and other various events in conjunction with other happenings in the town. It’s worth a stop by or a long sit in. If you have the time, I recommend even spending an evening there if you can.

Happy sipping!


Cheers to 50…

…posts! It seems like such a small number for all the thoughts that rattle around in my brain when I think of all the blogging there is to do. I remember blogging back before high school and thinking that it was so deep and personal. Although that may have been the case for a little girl it’s pretty entertaining to look back at those posts or written out diaries of sorts. Life has a funny way of teaching you things in reverse.

In sum, I just want to take a little second to point out that everyone has a story to tell. No matter what is going on in your life it’s relevant to you. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s insignificant. If you want to write, photograph, play sports, travel, play video games – do it! Life is too short to do things that other people tell you are “better for you”. If it makes you happy make time for it. If it makes you grow as a person and fill your heart with joy, well freaking do it! I promise it will make things better even if it’s just for a bit.

Phew this got a little deep didn’t it? Anyway here’s to more posts, discussions, laughs, and maybe some good crying as well.