
Through time I have had a number of people come in and out of my life. I’ve moved around quite a bit and changed schools many times. Something that I have found a little difficult is keeping in touch with my friends. Sure, when you are there everything is easy and you promise to each other that you will never not know a single detail about each other-but it gets hard. I’m not here to say that having friends in different places is impossible I’m simply expressing that it’s hard. It takes time and effort.

Over the years I’ve lost touch with a lot of people, but there is an upside. The people that I have stayed in touch with are my friends for life. I had an interesting conversation with one of my “best friends” the other day and I realized something. She was a soulmate of mine. And not in the romantic type, I’ll be clear about that. She was such a good friend to me over the years that merely giving her the title of best friend seemed degrading because we had such a good relationship. We can tell each other everything and we even live in different states over half of the year because of school. This brought on thoughts of all my other closest friends.

My closest friends are one in a million type of people and they were so special to me. Counting them on one hand I had kept some really important relationships in my life thus far. It didn’t matter that there were only a few-I had found some amazing soul mates that I was surely going to have for the rest of my life.

In conclusion maybe you don’t have just one soulmate to tackle on the hardships of life with, perhaps there are many right in front of you.

From the Air

I come to you from the air this time. I had to get a couple things down before I forgot them.
I started a new book that I immediately fell in love with. “An Extraordinary Theory of Objects” is the title and I found myself relating on more than a couple accounts. The moving around as a young child was one thing, but loneliness was another. I’ll save the sappy details but know this- so far it’s beautiful and delicate. Maybe just what I needed coming back from my trip over in Paris (I’ll post more on that later). I fidgeted in my seat for a couple hours drifting in and out of light sleep that was ever so groggy. I ended up watching the two movies, both which stirred some emotions, and couldn’t help but think- was I on the edge of something? You know when you feel a stirring and you can’t help but wonder if it’s “the next big thing”? I’ve felt that a lot. I’ve also come to a lot of dead ends. But this was perhaps different. Perhaps not.

Thoughts from the air to be continued…


Ah but to travel is to learn…

I’ve been dealing with an issue lately. Higher education has me puzzled and questioning the system, if you will. I have always had a serious passion for traveling. I have been fortunate enough to go to a handful of places. Currently I am on a plane with my mother going to Paris. Which is beyond exciting and am so grateful for. I cannot wait to let my inner art historian and photographer/cinematographer out. But back to the issue… Have you ever sat in a class and thought to yourself, “This is beyond pointless I could learn this on my own.” Or perhaps you knew about a topic that was being discussed first hand. I don’t mean to stick my nose up on education- I think it’s very important. But some universities have me at a loss with their odd requirements and class scheduling. Alas, I must finish my schooling. For now however, I feel that learning on site is far more effective for me 😉



Hello beautiful world!

I am embarking on a new adventure in this crazy life and decided to start a little blog of my own. Something to really invest in, express myself with, and explore just a little bit more into the unknown. I plan to write, post photos and videos, and hopefully inspire. I am out searching and I may not know what that may be yet but I hope you join me-find your inner peace whatever that may be.


Courtney Lauber