Empty of the Day – Korres Shower Gel

As I progress in life through all things beauty related I find myself not only more curious, but also more picky. Splurging is definitely something I do while being realistic is safer for my wallet. I know I have talked about these before – Korres Shower Gels. This scent is Japanese Rose.

Although I do love a nicely scented bath item the $19.50 price point is not necessary. I purchased this product awhile back and it was actually part of a variety pack in bulk. It feels great, doesn’t leave a film or greasy feeling, but ultimately it hasn’t transformed my life so my twenty bucks will be spent elsewhere.

Tell me, would you purchase this item repeatedly?


Who Are We?

Here’s another year old draft, because I’ve been figuring all of this out still. It’s ironic how this all connects now…

In life there are many times when we have to figure things out. You have to figure out your favorite color so you can tell all your classmates. You have to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. You have to figure out what you want to wear on your own once you reach a certain age. And then you have to figure out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. Sound simple? Sort of…

All of these things contribute to a sort of system to lead you on the path of having a successful life – or at least that’s what the teachers, professors, and parents will tell you. However, somewhere along the line things can get confusing and you start to wonder; what is my favorite color? What do I really want to be when I grow up? Do these clothes really make me feel comfortable? These are all petty examples of some larger more serious notion of not knowing who you truly are.

I think everyone must go through this at some point in their life. Perhaps they go through it when they’re young and have everything “figured out”, but let’s not forget those in mid-life and quarter-life crisis moments. Whether you’re going through a weird phase or just simply feel lost, it’s perfectly fine to go through all the identity issues. Our surroundings, our environments, and our relationships all have an impact on this. Going through a big move and find yourself not wanting the same things as you once did? Well there’s fantastic news – you can change however you want. 

Want to be into heavy metal and wear bright pink? You go. Feel the urge to become the ultimate outdoorsy person? Power to you. Love your office job and watching sitcoms at home with your dog? Right on. We’re all just trying to figure this life out.

Now pass the remote, Friends is on channel 36.

Moving On – One Year Later

DISCLAIMER – This is a draft from OVER A YEAR AGO. Judge away, but I am going to post it regardless. Here you are :

Moving on from things can be a difficult task. Whether it’s job related, relationship oriented, or a geographical thing we’ve all been there. At times things can be a breeze and change can seem obvious or “right”. Other times, there is struggle and hardship. However, whatever you are going through and whatever “moving on” that you may be doing just remember this – there is always a silver lining.

I recently did a little moving of my own out to the mountains (cheers for finally getting wifi). Although it’s hard to complain with my surroundings and supportive family and friends there have been some complications. I feel like there are universal jokes about moving and how much hatred there is surrounding the act of packing all your belongings, and then unpacking them in a frantic state because WHERE THE HECK DID YOU PACK YOUR UNDERWEAR?! Ok that’s a little dramatic but we’ve all been there. If you’re wondering – yes, yes I did forget where I packed it.

Jokes aside, as much as I want to rip my hair out at times I’m thankful to be where I’m at. It’s a dream and it’s literally like living on a cloud up here. So really, my silver lining has a hint of blue.

I hope you find peace with all of your moving and shaking over the holiday season.


PS. These photos belong to and were taken by myself. They show a little look into my little bug and I en route to our new home. Hope you enjoy!